• (+237) 672905001/ 673962860/ 694012160
  • infos@campeaci.org

Advocacy and Research

While better outcomes stem from better policy and practice, better policy and practice often occur when rigorous, systematic research-based knowledge is used. Therefore, organisations that will use research-based knowledge better will have greater policy influence and greater pro-poor impact by improving organisational service delivery work, help organisations create space in policy processes, and give them greater weight in relating with other actors or stakeholders. CAMPEACI uses research-based knowledge to increase the legitimacy of their policy engagement efforts - helping her gain a place and influence at the policy table (advocacy). Through advocacy, we that all people, especially vulnerabe groups in society are able to have their voices heard on issues that are important to them, protect and promote their rights.

What we do:

  • Fact-based Research for adequate interventions
  • Advocacy for the right of the girl child
  • Advocacy for the youth Participation
  • Youth centered research in project preparation
  • Pre-project desk research
  • Advocacy for a corruption-free Cameroon
  • Support to Environmental sustainability through ecological interventions.

Our Commitment :

Through the promotion of human rights, advocating for a peaceful society and fact-based research, CAMPEACI continuous to touch larger audiences with their Humanitarian Development and Peace initiatives (HDPI).

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